Have you noticed that as your floors age they seem to make squeaky noises? Well, when your stairs or floors were new all the components fit together snugly. As they age the wood shrinks and the components settle or split. This causes the squeaky noises.
Usually, not all of the stairs are squeaking, only a couple of them are. You will need to walk up and down the stairs over the entire width of the stairs. Do this carefully because you may think it is a certain stair when it is actually another one causing the problem. Now that the problem stairs have been identified, you must decide whether you want a temporary fix or a more permanent one.
Temporary Fix: Fill the visible cracks with either talcum powder, graphite, saw dust, or silicone spray. Also, you can use molding to tighten the joints; then, nail some finishing nails at opposite sides or angles through the front stringer (outer side) into the front carriage (side support).
Permanent Fix: You may close the gaps by (1) renailing from the top side, or (2) cleating and wedging from underneath. If the underside of the stairs is not visible, you might need to open up a wall so that you can access it.
In order to cure excess deflection or "give" in the tread (where you step), install cleats, metal brackets or glue wood blocks against the backside of each riser (the front of the stair) and the underside of each tread (where you step). This creates extra support which helps to reduce any movement.
Next, you will need to cover hardwood wedges with carpenters glue, then drive these wedges between the treads (where you step) and the risers (the front of the stairs).
Check to see if their are loose or damaged riser wedges and tread wedges. If so, remove them, put wood glue on both the groove (the space where the wedge was removed from) and the wedge. Using a wood block or a mallet, drive the wedge into place.
Although this is a diagram of deck stairs, they still have the same makeup and terminology, just a little more extensive.
Have loads of fun!!!
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